Cervical Cancer & Family Health Campaign

Today, I joined Cervical Cancer & Family Health Campaign at UTAR (Petaling Jaya), which provides free medical consultation, free health screening and also, subsidized HPV vaccine. This campaign is mainly to create awareness of how dangerous of this cancer to us, women. Women are advised to get vaccinated especially when they are young and ideally, before they are sexually active. For more information about cervical cancer, you can click here :)

I have just taken the vaccination of Cervical Cancer/HPV infection prevention today :D. At a subsidized price, the total price is rm600 only for 3 doses (rm240 for first dose, rm180 for 2nd and 3rd dose). It includes the prevention for four types of virus: HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 (Gardasil). Other healthcare providers that offer cheaper price for this vaccination may only includes two types virus prevention only - Cervarix. So, this campaign is kinda offering buy 2 'preventions' free 2 'preventions' promotion :p

My upper arm a bit pain and swollen :( after the injection compare to other injections that I have taken before (my last injections were during Std 6 and Form 3). I saw another girl nausea after her injection. Thus, make sure you eat something before taking the vaccination but not too heavy meal. Hehe.. they provide some freebies too: An empty ring file, a packet of tissue, a pen, an A5 note book - all with the cervical cancer awareness attached!!! Oh ya! I also got a voucher from Clinipath Pathology, 50 Tests at RM40 (Normal price: rm80). Anybody who want this voucher, you can leave me a message in this post :)

A packet of tissue and a pen
Ring file, Paperbag, Notebook, Pamphlet and my Vaccination card
(clockwise from top left)
the health screening voucher

What do you need to think more? You can take action to prevent cervical cancer now.

Prevention is better than cure, right?

You can for more pictures and info on that event :)

1 ppl got things to say:

Chee Way said...

no comment:P

01 July 2009

Cervical Cancer & Family Health Campaign

Posted by nikiki at 11:01 PM
Today, I joined Cervical Cancer & Family Health Campaign at UTAR (Petaling Jaya), which provides free medical consultation, free health screening and also, subsidized HPV vaccine. This campaign is mainly to create awareness of how dangerous of this cancer to us, women. Women are advised to get vaccinated especially when they are young and ideally, before they are sexually active. For more information about cervical cancer, you can click here :)

I have just taken the vaccination of Cervical Cancer/HPV infection prevention today :D. At a subsidized price, the total price is rm600 only for 3 doses (rm240 for first dose, rm180 for 2nd and 3rd dose). It includes the prevention for four types of virus: HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 (Gardasil). Other healthcare providers that offer cheaper price for this vaccination may only includes two types virus prevention only - Cervarix. So, this campaign is kinda offering buy 2 'preventions' free 2 'preventions' promotion :p

My upper arm a bit pain and swollen :( after the injection compare to other injections that I have taken before (my last injections were during Std 6 and Form 3). I saw another girl nausea after her injection. Thus, make sure you eat something before taking the vaccination but not too heavy meal. Hehe.. they provide some freebies too: An empty ring file, a packet of tissue, a pen, an A5 note book - all with the cervical cancer awareness attached!!! Oh ya! I also got a voucher from Clinipath Pathology, 50 Tests at RM40 (Normal price: rm80). Anybody who want this voucher, you can leave me a message in this post :)

A packet of tissue and a pen
Ring file, Paperbag, Notebook, Pamphlet and my Vaccination card
(clockwise from top left)
the health screening voucher

What do you need to think more? You can take action to prevent cervical cancer now.

Prevention is better than cure, right?

You can for more pictures and info on that event :)

1 comments on "Cervical Cancer & Family Health Campaign"

Chee Way on 08 July, 2009 said...

no comment:P

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